The Polish Scouting and Guiding Association (ZHP) / English Summary

ZHP mission is to educate young people, that is to support them in their full development and character formation by posing challenges.

The Polish Scouting and Guiding Association (ZHP) is registered as an independent legal entity in Poland providing dynamic, values-based, non-formal educational and leadership training programmes for young people between the ages of 6 and 21. Its activities are open to all, regardless of gender, origin, nationality, race or creed. It aims to provide a safe environment for young people to develop their fullest potential as responsible and active citizens who participate in their local, national and international communities and all areas of society. Currently the membership of ZHP is over 100 000 girls and boys and leaders. 

ZHP is member of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) and the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM). Women are registered as members of WAGGGS, men are members of WOSM.

ZHP is also a member of:

  • International Catholic Conference of Guiding
  • International Catholic Conference of Scouting
  • International Scout and Guide Fellowship
  • International Link of Orthodox Christian Scouts DESMOS

Contact us! ZHP HQ’s International Department – [email protected]

Age groups in ZHP

Brownies and Cub Scouts, in Polish: zuchy (6-10 years) – Play in their packs

In the programme of the youngest members the world of imagination plays an important role. Any kind of learning is accomplished by playing games. The youngest members are organised into cub packs. Children learn to integrate into a collective of friends. Adults give them real responsibility gradually but at the same time they ensure physical, emotional and mental safety.

Guides and Scouts, in Polish: harcerki & harcerze (10-13 years) – Learn about the world and people through games and fun

The importance of the patrol system is growing at this age. It is a system of natural “gangs” of young people, which enables full participation and self-realization of each member. At the head of such a patrol there is an experienced peer – a young leader (patrol leader). A symbolic framework of scouts and guides is discovering and exploring the world around them and the outdoors is the preferred environment for activities.

Venture Guides and Venture Scouts, in Polish: harcerki starsze & harcerze starsi (13-16 years) – Look for their place in life by undertaking various projects

The characteristic form of activity for senior scouts and guides is quest. The teams begin their quest to discover new authorities and their own perspective on the world. They learn responsibility by carrying out projects. The adults are present but their role is that of advisers and supporters.

Rangers and Rovers, in Polish: wędrowniczki & wędrownicy (16-21 years) – Help others, master their skills and reach beyond their capabilities

The majority of activities of this age group take place at the level of rover groups. Adult leader is the first among equals. The centre of rover programme is composed of wandering, travelling, self-discovering, discovering of one’s values and character. Rangers and Rovers prepare challenging projects for themselves. They organise mountain expeditions and international trips. They participate actively in environmental protection and carry out service for local communities.

Promise and Law

The Scout and Guide Promise

It is my sincere wish to serve God and Poland with my whole life, to help others willingly, and to obey the Guide and Scout Law. 

or alternatively 

It is my sincere wish to serve Poland with my whole life, to uphold the principles of Scouting/Guiding, tohelp others willingly, and to obey the Guide and Scout Law. 

The Guide and Scout Law
  1. A Guide/Scout conscientiously fulfils the duties stemming from the Guide and Scout Promise. 
  2. A Guide’s/Scout’s word is to be trusted like that of Zawisza the Knight. 
  3. A Guide/Scout is useful and helps others. 
  4. A Guide/Scout is respectful to everybody and treats other Guides/Scouts like sisters/brothers. 
  5. A Guide/Scout acts chivalrously. 
  6. A Guide/Scout loves Nature and strives to get to know it. 
  7. A Guide/Scout is disciplined and obedient to their parents and superiors. 
  8. A Guide/Scout is always cheerful. 
  9. A Guide/Scout is thrifty and generous. 
  10. A Guide/Scout works on themselves; she/he is pure in thought, in word and in deed; she/he is free from addictions. 
The Cub Scout/Brownie Promise

I promise to be a good Brownie/Cub Scout and to always obey the Brownie/Cub Scout Law. 

The Brownie/Cub Scout Law
  1. A Brownie/Cub Scout loves Poland and does good. 
  2. A Brownie/A Cub Scout is brave. 
  3. A Brownie/Cub Scout tells the truth. 
  4. A Brownie/Cub Scout remembers about their duties. 
  5. Everybody feels good with a Brownie/Cub Scout. 
  6. A Brownie/Cub Scout strives to be better and better. 
The Leader Engagement 

I assume the duties of guide/scout leader of the Polish Scouting and Guiding Association. I am aware of the responsibility of a guide/scout educator and guardian. I shall uphold the reputation of Polish guiding and scouting, obey the Statutes of ZHP, work on myself, develop my knowledge and skills. I shall raise my successor. I shall not abandon the duties entrusted by ZHP. 

ZHP’s Governance

The highest authority of ZHP is the General Assembly, taking place every four years, or more often if an extraordinary meeting is needed. The General Assembly elects the other national authorities: the National Council led by the President of ZHP, the National Executive Board led by the Chief Commissioner, the Central Auditing Committee and the National Scout and Guide Court. The current term of the national authorities lasts till May 2026. 

National Council 

The National Council is the policy-making authority of ZHP between General Assembly sessions. It is comprised of 30–40 regular members, led by the President of ZHP aided by 1–3 Vice Presidents. The President cares about unity, ideals and tradition of ZHP. The National Council decides on the most important matters of the association, including the educational system and principles of working with leaders. All Council members act in a voluntary capacity. 

The current President of ZHP is Mr Krzysztof Pater. 

The Vice Presidents of ZHP are Ms Aleksandra Gawlikowska-Sroka and Mr Tomasz Huk. 

National Board

The National Board is the executive board of the association and consists of at least 5 people. 

The current board includes: 

  • Ms Martyna Kowacka – Chief Commissioner
  • Mr Maciej Szczęsny – Treasurer
  • Ms Agata Erhardt-Wojciechowska – Deputy Chief Commissioner, Adults in Scouting and Guiding, Organisational Culture
  • Ms Anna Pospieszna – Deputy Chief Commissioner, Programme and Educational Methods
  • Mr Bartosz Bednarczyk – Deputy Chief Commissioner, External Relations
  • Ms Dominika Brożek – Board Member, Training
  • Ms Aleksandra Kozubska – Board Member, Organisation and Logistics
  • Mr Dawid Schwann – Board Member, Property Management

The National Audit Committ is responsible for controlling and auditing all ZHP authorities. 

The National Scout and Guide Court handles disciplinary matters, it also interprets the Statutes of ZHP. 

As a non-government organisation, ZHP consists of 17 regions – one in each province of Poland and an additional one in the capital city of Warsaw. 

If you would like to find out more about ZHP, the report in English is available now: “The Polish Scouting and Guiding Association (ZHP)”.


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